Nursery Key Information

Working with parents

The setting aims to provide a range of opportunities for all parents and carers to participate in their child’s learning and development whilst they are at nursery.

General information can be exchanged on an informal day to day basis by chatting with the child’s Key Worker. Also, we provide opportunities throughout the year for you to meet 1 to 1 with the key worker to discuss your child’s development and achievements.

Parental involvement is welcomed and any contribution would be valued, in turn it is hoped that this involvement will enhance all children’s experience whilst at our nursery.

Arrival and departure health and safety

Parents are reminded that children remain their responsibility until they are handed over to a member of nursery staff and become their responsibility again upon collection.

Parents or named adults will be required to sign the register on arrival and departure.

Mobile phones

For the safeguarding of all children mobile phones are not permitted to be used in our setting. Notices will be displayed to remind parents to switch phones off when entering the setting.


To ensure children can be kept clean and dry all parents should supply adequate nappies and wipes for each day, clearly marked with their names. We ask for this to be in a bag and placed on their peg on arrival. Where a child needs nappy cream, parents should supply this, creams must be clearly labelled with child’s name.


All children will be offered a healthy snack during the session. Every effort is made to ensure children’s snacks are well balanced. Parents are welcome, if they wish, to provide snack for their child but this must be a healthy snack.

All food provided by parents should be clearly labelled with child’s name. Water and milk will be available for all children during the session.

Toilet training

When a child is ready to be toilet trained our Staff will work with parents to develop a consistent approach to ensure the child does not get confused or upset.

Please provide spare clothing and shoes during this period in case of accidents.

Shoes, Clothes & Dressing for the Weather

Please ensure there is also a change of clothes for your child, should they have an accident or get a little wet playing in the water.

Parents should dress their children appropriately for the weather for the purposes of outdoor play.

In warm weather please provide sun screen for your child, where parents forget and children are playing outdoors staff will (with parental permission) provide sunscreen to keep children safe.

Resting and sleeping arrangements

Children have the opportunity to sleep in a designated area in the playroom. Parental wishes are taken into consideration, although staff cannot make a child sleep or keep them awake if they do not wish to do so.

This is an Ofsted regulation. All children are monitored whilst sleeping.

Uncollected child

The nursery expects children to be collected promptly and in good time. For morning sessions this is 11.45am. For afternoon sessions this is 3.30pm.

The setting and office staff will, if required, call all numbers to establish where they are if a child remains uncollected. No children will be allowed to leave the setting unless they are with an agreed responsible adult that has been determined by the parents.

“Pupils are exposed to a wide range of high-quality books.”


“Pupils understand how to keep their minds and bodies healthy.”


“Pupils are well prepared for secondary education.”


“Pupil ambassadors check on other pupils’ well-being.”


“Leaders have ensured that the teaching of reading is strong.”


“Pupils learn the importance of contributing to their community.”


“Pupils know ways to raise their own self-esteem and that of others.”


“Pupils enjoy being active citizens and getting paid in credits they can spend in the school shop.”


“Pupils thrive at Thorpepark Academy.”


“Pupils are motivated to learn.”


“Parents work in partnership with leaders and staff.”


“Pupils are motivated to learn. They enjoy lessons and they achieve well.”


“Pupil mentors support younger pupils and those new to the school.”


“There is a truly inclusive ethos.”


“The school’s offer for pupils’ personal development is exceptional.”


“Pupils often benefit from bespoke plans which are matched to their needs.”


“By the end of key stage 2 pupils have secure knowledge in English and mathematics.”


“Leaders know the pupils, their families and the community very well.”


“Extra-curricular clubs are carefully chosen to stretch individual pupils’ talents in music, sport and other areas, including sewing.”


“Pupils learn about people and places from their local area in all subjects.”


“Leaders, including the trust, ensure that pupil, parent and staff well-being is a top priority.”


“Leaders have designed the curriculum to develop pupils’ sense of belonging, identity and pride in being from Hull.”


“Many parents appreciate the adult learning and volunteering opportunities available to them.”


“Leaders are committed to and highly skilled in supporting pupils who struggle to manage their own behaviour.”


“Leaders prioritise pupils’ well-being.”


“Pupils are empathetic and show understanding of other pupils’ needs.”


“Pupils love the ‘Thorpepark 50’.”


“Children in the early years get off to a good start.”


“The curriculum for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is well designed.”


“Lots of initiatives are in place to encourage pupils’ love of reading.”
